Hotel with vegan cuisine

Mealtimes? A warm welcome, hospitality and dialogue

At the Hotel Luxor in Bellaria Igea Marina, sitting down for a meal means so much more than just satisfying a need for energy or having something to delight the palate.
At the Hotel Luxor in Bellaria Igea Marina, sitting down for a meal is a shared experience. It means sharing a meal with those who, like you, are looking for wellness, starting with food.
With those who, like you, spend time and great care choosing and cooking choice ingredients every day. With those who, like you, choose ingredients that respect nature and mankind and only want the best for themselves and for their loved ones.

The cuisine served at the Hotel Luxor is vegan 100%, like you.

Barbara personally buys and prepares all the buffets.
Yes, because we’re certain that serving buffets at both lunch and at dinner leaves guests freer to experiment with flavours, quantities and taste combinations.
So many friends reveal they approached vegan cuisine for the first time on holiday and then experimented at home too.

Vegan, local, healthy

Every dish respects your lifestyle.
Barbara’s cuisine favours only ingredients of plant origin and she does all she can to ensure they are locally-sourced and respect the territory.

And it’s all naturally tasty.
Everything served in our buffets focuses on the desire to find the real flavours of times gone by, when ingredients were simple and genuine.

Vegetables from the garden, seasonal fruit, cereals.
You can sense and taste the connection with the land and age-old flavours will surprise you.

Romagna is served in its most wholesome essence, but sometimes we also offer ethnic dishes.


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